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Books and More

We have our own web page at BookFair.org!

Your book purchases earn a donation to the New Florence Community Library.   The Library will earn 15% of book purchases every day.  Four times per year, our page turns into a book fair – we will earn 25% of every purchase!

It’s easy to participate:

1. Visit and buy books at our book page: BookFair.org 

2. Shop for the books that would make a great gift or titles you just can’t wait to read!   There are more than 200,000 books available from board books to young adult literature.

3. The books you buy will be shipped directly to you!

Stop in the library and sign up for our email newsletter to stay up to date on future books fairs and other fundraisers.

Your purchases will help support library operations, programming, and collection development.

  Happy Shopping and Reading!  Thank you for your support!